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Nash Village Hall AGM minutes

Nash Village Hall Management Committee Annual General Meeting   Event:                      Nash Village Hall AGM Date:                        Monday, 15th July 2024 (19:30pm start) Attendees:            Richard Evans, Phil Doran, Cathi Collins, Jen Brown, […]

All Saints’ Safeguarding Policy

Nash Church, Stratford Road

Nash church was opened with just a chancel in 1858, the complete church being opened in 1862, previously Nash came under Whaddon to be known as the parish of Whaddon with Nash; for about 10 years (early 1850’s to early 1860’s) Nash came under Thornton to be known as the parish of Thornton with Nash.

Church of All Saints
Parish church.  1857-8.  By G.E.Street.  Coursed rubble stone, slate roofs, with decorative ridge tiles and coped gables.  Nave with bellcote at W. end, chancel vestry,  N. porch.  Early English in style. Plinth, moulded cill course and off-set buttresses, more elaborate to chancel.  W. wall of nave has 2-light plate traceried window. N. and S. walls each have a cusped lancet at W. end, and 2 2-light traceried windows.  Gabled bellcote with off-set sides.  Gabled porch with 2-centred chamfered arches.  Chancel of 2 bays has cusped lancets, and 2-light plate tracery window to South.  Vestry to N. has similar windows and door to W.  Main E. window has 3 lancets in recessed moulded surrounds, the taller central light flanked by slender shafts with rings and carved caps.  Internally this window is elaborated with cusping.  Wide chancel arch with fleurons.  Stained glass dated 1861 and 1868 in E. and W. windows.’ (entry on English Heritage website).

For documents about the church, and a newspaper account of its opening click here.

The first baptisms and burials were in 1858, the first marriage in 1862.




















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