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Nash Village Hall AGM minutes

Nash Village Hall Management Committee Annual General Meeting   Event:                      Nash Village Hall AGM Date:                        Monday, 15th July 2024 (19:30pm start) Attendees:            Richard Evans, Phil Doran, Cathi Collins, Jen Brown, […]

All Saints’ Safeguarding Policy

Nash School/ Village Hall, Stratford Road

Village Hall and the Old School House

Village hall with house to rear, formerly school and school-master’s house.  Circa 1860.  Probably by G.E. Street.  Coursed rubble stone, stone dressings.  Diamond roof with red ridge tiles and stone chimneys.  Picturesque medieval.  Single storey hall to front has 3 windows with segmental heads
and altered C20 casements, and large off-set chimney stack to centre of front, partly concealed by lean-to with entry in 2-centred arch to left.  Right gable has large pointed window with wooden mullions and transom, peculiarly cusped top lights and tympanum hung with fishscale tiles.  2 similar smaller windows to left gable with mock ventilation slit above.  House is of 1½ storeys with 2 bays to left side.  Left bay has external chimney stack off-set over board door in 2-centred arch.  Right bay has 3-light casement in segmental head to ground floor, and 2 similar paired casements to first floor in single hipped semi-dormer. (English Heritage entry)

As the school.

As a village hall.

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