Nash Village Hall AGM minutes

Nash Village Hall Management Committee

Annual General Meeting


Event:                      Nash Village Hall AGM

Date:                        Monday, 15th July 2024 (19:30pm start)

Attendees:            Richard Evans, Phil Doran, Cathi Collins, Jen Brown, Nim Chotai, Pam King, Barbara Loxton

Minutes:                 Phil Doran

Apologies:             Vineet Manghani, Ali Williams, Robert Meardon




Introduction:                  The AGM started promptly at 19:30 with the NVHMC Chair (Richard Evans) addressing the attending members of the committee (listed above) as well as villagers who attended the AGM; Debbie, Margaret and Jamie.

                                                Apologies were made for Vineet, Ali and Robert. Committee member absentees were Pete Bird and Janet Philips.

In the absence of the Committee Secretary, Phil Doran volunteered to capture the minutes (so blame him if anything is missing!)


Chair address:               Richard talked about another positive year for the Village Hall and the Committee. In particular, stated it was a positive initiative to work with the Fete team to ensure the Fete was part of the social calendar for Nash again – and what a lovely fete it had been. He mentioned Pam and Barbara specifically for their input – but acknowledged a small army of others working alongside them.

                                                Pam stated she would produce a write up for the Nash Newsletter thanking everyone – and also to request help and support for the planning of next year’s event.

Richard also acknowledged the continued success of the Pumps, Cafes and occasional quiz. All of which generate much needed income for the upkeep of the hall – but (more importantly) provide valuable social outlets for the villagers and visitors of Nash.

There was also an acknowledgement of the organisation that had gone into NashFest. A combination of poor weather and the football meant that numbers were down from the last NashFest. That said, it was still and enjoyable and well-run event.

Financially, Richard stated the hall had sufficient funds and was raising more funds. Bookings were up – with the help of the new lemon booking system.

Finally, Richard thanked all those that have served on the committee over the last 12 months – and very much looked forward to working with those who were choosing to stand again for the coming year.

He also thanked the Church for their support – and indeed, the Parish Council.


Treasurer report:           Cathi Collins provided a comprehensive report on the financial viability of the hall – which included a three analysis of income in & out to compare running costs. She also stated the report was based on Fiscal year reporting (April 1 to March 31). A summary was as follows:

                                                Running costs:

FY 21 – 22:          £8,000 running costs for the hall

FY 22 – 23:          £12,000 running costs for the hall

FY 23 – 24:          £8,236 running costs for the hall


The FY 22/23 spike was due to a number of repairs, the build of the new bar area and the purchase of a commercial dishwasher. If these incremental costs were removed, there has been stability in the running costs of the hall over the last three years at circa £8,000 per annum.


The notable expense is utilities alone – which account for £3,700 per annum.


Money raised through bookings alone is up (in part due to the ease of the lemon booking system). The figures were reported as:


FY 21 – 22:          £3,364 raised via bookings

FY 22 – 23:          £3,013 raised via bookings

FY 23 – 24:          £4,360 raised via bookings


Projected expenses for FY25 include some urgent general maintenance repairs. There are areas of damp, windows that need repairs, ceiling issues etc. That said, overall, the hall is fluid with a current balance of £27,500 spread over two accounts.



Election of Officers:


Role                      FY24 incumbent             FY25 Nominee                 Proposed                            Seconded

Chair                    Richard Evans                  Richard Evans                  Pam King                             Jen Brown

Vice Chair          Phil Doran                          Phil Doran                          Nim Chotai                        Cathi Collins

Secretary           Vineet Manghani            NONE

Treasurer            Cathi Collins                     Cathi Collins                     Phil Doran                          Barbara Loxton

Pump Chair       VACANT                              NONE

Social Chair      Jen Brown                          Jen Brown                          Richard Evans                  Pam King

Buildings            Pete Bird                             Pete Bird                             Phil Doran                          Richard Evans

Bookings             Nim Chotai                        Nim Chotai                        Richard Evans                  Cathi Collins

Church Rep       Pam King                             Pam King                             Unopposed – voted by Church

Village Rep        Barbara Loxton                Barabara Loxton             Cathi Collins                     Phil Doran

Village Rep        Ali Williams                       Ali Williams                       Cathi Collins                     Richard Evans

Village Rep        Janet Philips                      Janet Philips (TBC)         To be asked



  • With Vineet stepping down as Secretary – due to him moving from Nash to London, Richard stated (as he will still have a residence in Nash) that he would ask Vineet if he would retain the role of ‘Trustee’ – until a suitable replacement was found
  • the Pump Chair, it was agreed that as the duties were starting to be shared amongst the committee and the village, we would trial not having a Pump Chair for the foreseeable future. This role would be discussed if required at all future NVHMC meetings for the remainder of this calendar year.
  • As Janet was not at the meeting, Richard stated he would ask if she wanted to remain on the committee – and feedback to the committee her decision
  • Nim Chotai assuming the permanent role of Bookings Clerk meant we dispensed with the Village Rep role she occupied in FY24.
  • The role of Secretary is a senior officer role. As such, it was agreed we need to re-visit the advertising and profiling within the village to see if a replacement could be found. In the meantime, (until such a replacement) it was agreed that the role of minute taking and sending out minutes would be shared amongst the committee.


At 20:45pm, all matters on the AGM were concluded and the meeting was bought to an end by

Richard Evans.



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